"Frozen," the highest-grossing animated film of all time, comes alive as "Frozen, A Musical Spectacular," a one-of-a-kind stage production found only on Disney Cruise Line's Disney Wonder. With the unparalleled popularity of the film, the transition to the stage is a natural progression.
The storyline of "Frozen," the musical, revolves around two sisters, Anna and Elsa -- princesses, of course -- overcoming challenges to find true love, and themselves. Set in Norway, other popular characters in the movie include Sven, a strong-willed reindeer, and Olaf, an optimistic talking snowman. Both characters are brought to life onstage through a combination of human talent and puppetry. The actor portraying Olaf for the show's debut came straight from the Broadway stage.
Expect all the popular music from the film including earworm chart-toppers like "Let It Go" and "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" The plot is generally the same as the Disney movie, but sped up to fit into about half the length.
State-of-the-art projection and lighting effects are used to simulate peripherals in some of the scenes to a delightful result. During a sledding scene through the countryside, evergreen trees passed us by and it felt like we were moving along with Anna and Kristoff.
"Frozen, a Musical Spectacular" is an hour long and held one night during the cruise in the Walt Disney Theatre; there are two show times -- approximately 6 and 8 p.m. (Get there early to sit in the first four or five rows if you want to experience a little snow.)
The musical production of "Frozen" can only be found onboard Disney Wonder.
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